Our prophesied journey through the Witcher novel saga reaches its penultimate stage as we discuss The Tower of the Swallow(s), a book about a tower named after either one or two birds! Devon (@invisifool) and Sam (@SamuelHowitt) discuss... a lot of things, as this book contains Plot! So much Plot.
This episode has a general CONTENT WARNING for general edginess and a specific one for drug use.
Send us your questions by tweeting us, or via email at witchercast@jrpgsaredead.fyi!
Music used, in order:
Alexander James Adams - Wild Hunt
Yoshino Yuuji - Wakaki Nendaiki Sakka
This month, we handle discussing Shadow Hearts, a rather stupid game that has its heart in the right place. And given that the monster designs include organs in the very wrong place, that's a feat!
The music tracks used have been commissioned from Fuzzy Proxy.